Amandine's Plot Treize

By AmandineJardine

Late seed potato

It's the first year I've had gaps (3 in total) in my potato rows, some of the seed potatoes I planted in early April must have rotted in the ground. 

I was finding the gaps really annoying - as an allotment neighbour once said, I like a visually pleasing plot!

So when I saw a bag of seed potatoes up for grabs outside the shop (someone who ended up with too many maincrops was giving them away), I leaped at the chance and planted them... in early June!

Another neighbour I mentioned it to said "Too late. It will never work". I like to prove naysayers wrong because if there's one thing I've learned from looking after a plot for 5 years, it's that it's often the things you're 100% sure will work that don't, and vice versa.

I'll keep these new plants watered and happy and I'm sure I'll get to harvest a few extra maincrops ('King Edward', a variety I've never grown) this autumn...

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