Tomato Flower

I woke up late and felt very weary this morning after my long walk and sea air yesterday.  TT on the other hand had been up from the crack of dawn, and had been gardening.  A very brisk walk down into town woke me up.  I was meeting a friend in a local café and amazingly I was there first, though she wasn’t far behind me.  I don’t know when we last met up – but I don’t think we have seen each other this year.  There was much chat.  We emerged from the café around three hours later!  She waited on a lift home and I went off in search of lunch to take home for the boys.  They were delighted with what I brought home.
After lunch I pottered, doing a few chores.  Later TT and I went down town for some shopping, stopping off at the local brewery on our way home.  We met up with a couple of friends there and had a couple of drinks.  We could have stayed all night, except TT had cooking to do, and P had to go and catch a bus into Edinburgh.  We all went our separate ways.  TT headed to the kitchen and got on with cooking.  BB suddenly announced to me that he was thinking of going to a party.  First I had heard, but I was pleased he wanted to go out.  He got himself ready and I walked him there, as we couldn’t give him a lift.  He only went for a couple of hours and true to his word, texted me two hours later to tell me he was walking home, slowly.  I’m sure it was good for him to spend some time with his friends.  He’s been rather reluctant to have anyone round, but I guess being out of the house maybe makes things a bit easier for him.
 A real lack of blips today – this flower is  on one of TT’s tomato plants. There are other flowers!

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