Circus Girl

By CirqueNoir

Forbidden Place

Downtown Hamilton, Ontario

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us. - Alexander Graham Bell

I was off today, due to I had to go to Dundas to see Dr. Lemckert (cosmetic surgeon) for my first week check on my healing after the Fraxtel Repair Laser Treatment (healing well but will see the full result in the next six months while the collagen rebuilds). So since it was a beautiful sunny day I thought I would go see my Tante Elise and Tante Wanda for lunch then wander around Downtown Hamilton for the rest of the day.

I wander somewhere where I wasn't supposed and was yelled at in Cantonese.I understood some of the things that they said but played that I didn't. I replied , I will when I am m done taking my pictures. He yelled back at me 20 minutes all you have. I smile back and said xie xie (thank you in Mandarin) and He smiled at me and let me continued to take pictures.

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