
I spent today at a throwing and turning pottery workshop in the studio where I used to take classes. It’s been quite a while since I last attended evening classes and I thought this might be a good way of getting back to pottery. There were just five of us so we had one wheel each for the whole day and unlimited clay to play with. Next week we will have a half day session to finish off (turn) the pots ready for firing and glazing. It was good to get my hands dirty again although it took a while for my body to remember the movements needed, but I managed to make a nice straight cylinder which is something I don’t think I’ve really been able to do before so I was pleased with that.

Afterwards, I took advantage of being in Farnham to do a bit of clothes shopping, something I’ve not really done in person since before the pandemic. Bought a couple of things but really I was too tired to spend very long at it.

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