Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

The Musician

A very damp start to the day in Glasgow. Not much of a view from the hotel window. Plenty of umbrellas. My partner and I have a leisurely breakfast. A wander around the Buchanan Galleries (an indoor sopping centre) means we avoid the morning rain, an d we have a nice cup of coffee before checking out.

We then check out some of the murals using the Glasgow Mural Trail app on the phone. The nearest one, Crazy Cat Lady is no more, well the interesting bit in the middle isn't there. It was painted on wooden hoarding, and workmen gaining access to the site must have just pulled it down and placed it with new boards. Around the corner to a wee lane to photograph The Musician. This on is on a wall, and is a bit harder to replace. Given last night's concert, it is rather apt. If the weather had been good, we might have searched for more.

 So a walk along Argyle St and the historic Argyle Galleries, mainly jewellery shops, and shown in Extra. Then we get some lunch from a café. When deciding what to do next, the heavy rain returns, so we head for the station and an afternoon train home to Edinburgh.

A quiet afternoon at home, as the rain arrives just after we get in

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