Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Managed to go out today. Just for a short walk to the supermarket and home again. Took a detour in my favourite forest on my way. The light among the trees was irresistible. 
It was rejuvenating to get outside and walk. Even though it was a slow walk, with stops along the way, it felt like steps towards better times. Or, I'm just affected by the summer Solstice and the magical powers of our sun. ;)
A proper cup of tea, black with milk (no sugar or honey), also made my day so much better! I'm starting to realise that I get grumpy and sad if I haven't had a really nice cup of tea in several days! Life feels so much better with a good cup of tea. :)
Also had a good talk with mum, that always lifts the spirit too. :)
Even my headache, that I've had for several weeks now, has lifted. I'm truly thankful for that.

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