By lizzie_birkett

Happy Solstice!

Where's the sun? We haven’t seen it today at all.

We left the cottage this morning after a lovely weekend (I have back blipped) and headed to Dumfries as I wanted to find a hairdresser that could fit me in. Every one was fully booked apart from the last one I tried.
I am now presentable after chopping it myself last week - honestly, I can’t stop myself when my hair drives me crazy, I just grab the scissors - I’m a fiend! The hairdresser actually said I’d done it quite well!
When we walked through Dumfries I recognised a handbag in the window of a charity shop. It was one I made about 12 years ago! I used to sell my bags in 3 outlets and also make them to order. I sold this one for £40 back then and in the charity shop it is priced at £15! A bit much I thought.

On our way to Anna’s in Moniaive we popped to Lila’s for a cuppa which was nice and we met her two rescue dogs, they are lovely.

The main photo is our Grandson Arlo showing off his stick-on medals from sports day - he did so well.
The other extra is The Caul in the River Nith in Dumfries.

Happy Solstice

Midsummer’s Day
I know the sun is up there
but the clouds
hang low in the sky
stealing the light
stealing the warmth
could you not have showed
your face 
burned those clouds away
on this your special day?

Good night on this the longest day! :-)X

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