I Have To Rethink The Whole Thing

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Today I spent in the office with Ellie (again) and Fazzy. 

They are both a delight. Honestly, I come home in such a good mood after spending time with the pair of them.

In Fazzy-news she read my most recent story to Hani and Zay but IGNORED MY INSTRUCTIONS.

See, what happened is that Caro got 2 pink bunny rabbit plushies that came with some cat blankets she bought.

Yes, yes, I know... we have so many cat blankets. But that is not the point of my story. The point is we had two bunny rabbit plushies and so I wrote a story about them for Hani and Zay and then gave them to Fazzy with INSTRUCTIONS that she read the story FIRST and then produce the bunnies at the end. 

But NO. The kids saw the bunnies and so got them BEFORE she read the story. 

So anyway. Hani claimed one of the two bunnies and then proceeded to dress it up in dolly clothes. This has been going on for about a week. Then the story was read and Hani - to her HORROR - discovered that Vanilli the Rabbit* was in fact a BOY and had been cross-dressing all this time. 

"Now I have to rethink the whole thing!" she wailed. 

I am not sure how this situation resolved itself. I may need to write another story to explain Vanilli's gender-fluid identity.

Oh, and today's blip is off the telly. I was watching "Legendary" and the judge shown above (Jameela Jamil) was taking too long to score. When pressed on this she replied, "Get off my dick, darling". Which made me laugh for some considerable time.


* The other pink bunny is called, "Milli" - obviously.

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