My neighbor from Hawaii gave me this
plant last fall, when it was just sticks.
She took a cutting from her auntie’s tree.
She said to wait until Spring to water it, which I did. Not much happened until I recently moved the pot to direct morning sun.

Soon after, the leaves emerged, then these TINY flower buds on several branches.
Her plant is blooming & so is a neighbor’s,
that thrive in our hot afternoon sun.
Theirs are shrubs, soon to be small trees.

Can you guess what it is?
Here are some hints:
-It is often associated with Hawaii, but is native to Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean & Florida (US).
-The flowers can be white, yellow, pink, red.
-The flowers are fragrant at night to attract
the Sphinx Moth to pollinate.
-The genus is named after a French botanist.
-In Southeast Asia the tree & flower is sacred.


I will Blip it when it blooms & all will be revealed.


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