Summer Solstice

If anyone knows what this flower is, thank you.  There's a lot of it near the waterfront.

A busy day mediating between the Viking and Mimi.  It almost reached irritating levels.  The Viking needs a lot of info from Mimi because she was in regular contact with Jay all those years when I had lost touch with him.  The Viking wants to ask her what she knows about him, his character, habits, anything that can be used.  Yes, everything about him has become relevant because the next cross-examination will be in less than a month's time.  There's been a frantic search for more evidence these past weeks.  Thing is, Mimi's phone hasn't been cooperating, so I've had to play go-between.  Some things lost in translation, so it's been rather exhausting.

Other news -- the Donkey is back!  AW picked him up in the afternoon.  So I am good to go again.  I think, though, that we'll be needing a 'new' second-hand car by next year.  Also... Chapter 15 has begun.  I really need to get back into the story.

The weather reflected the mood -- a lovely day with grey clouds.  Hopefully better tomorrow, especially as I would like to go hunting in the morning, among other things.

Thanks for visiting and for the stars!

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