Rhy boeth i mi
Rhy boeth i mi ~ Too hot for me
“The problem is not that we are bombarded by demands, the problem is that we are speeding so much that we think that we are being bombarded by things.”
—Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
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Es i allan i gasglu'r llenni o'r sychlanhawyr. Es i i'r pentref yn gyntaf i brynu cwpl o bethau ac i gael sgwrs fach yn Gymraeg yn ‘Iechyd Da’. Rydw i'n eithaf hapus nawr gyda sgyrsiau syml (syml go iawn, iawn). Roedd y tywydd yn boeth, rhy boeth i mi, ac roeddwn i'n falch o'r cysgod o dan y coed o dro i dro ar fy nheithiau.
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I went out to collect the curtains from the dry cleaners. I went to the village first to buy a couple of things and to have a little chat in Welsh at 'Iechyd Da'. I'm pretty happy now with simple (really simple, very simple) conversations. The weather was hot, too hot for me, and I was glad of the shade under the trees from time to time on my travels.
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