An American Robin (Turdus migratorius) has decided to nest in a hanging planter of pansies. Here she is with a beak full of binding material which she used to hold mud together and make a firm, deep nest.
She's been working for three days now constructing this edifice in the middle of my flowers just 2 feet from my kitchen window. She's pretty skittish and leaves the construction site the second someone looks through the window.
Being a bird brain, she doesn't realize that I won't be able to water the plants while she's nesting so they will slowly whither and die. Similarly, the basket hangs off an awning which will funnel rainwater right into the nest. She's going to be one wet momma bird when that happens.
In a few days she will lay a clutch of 3-5 baby blue colored eggs. She alone will incubate for 13-14 days after which the young birds will need to be fed for another 13 days in nest after which they will start to fly and begin life as a robin.
EXTRA: Shows nest construction without the bird in it.
Even if it's only a phone picture (my first) it's best seen in Large.  And stay tuned for more robin pictures if she manages to pull this thing off.

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