Joss and me brightening Market Square…

I went to a lunchtime event in the Guernsey Literary Festival with a friend. 
The panel discussed The Book of Ebenezer Le Page by GB Edwards, which is a book written by a man with Guernsey Heritage but who spent most of his life away from the island. It was published posthumously in 1981. I was one of only two or three at the event who hadn’t actually read the book though I have come across many of the locations on guided walks.
When it was first published I tried reading it but didn’t take to it. I thought it was simply a biography written by a little known Guernseyman which therefore interested only locals. 
But apparently it has much literary merit and was acclaimed worldwide despite being his only book. 
They are now launching a new edition with illustrations and we’re hoping people at the event might sign up for a copy. I won’t do that but I will buy the kindle version of the original book and give it another go.
The illustrations are on display at the Crossan Gallery which is  just across Market Square from the library where the panel event was held. So Fran and I went across to have a look.
When we came out of the market we met a mutual friend, Joss and Fran took the photograph I used for today’s blip.

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