Lost Boy

Whenever I work from home (which has been a lot over the last few years ) Molly would sit behind me, every half hour or so she would walk over, stick her nose on my leg and check I was ok. Bertie hardly ever came in, preferring to spend his time asleep on the sofa. 

The day Molly died, she spent most of the day asleep behind me with Bertie on one side of her and Eden the cat on the other, they'd clear off when she had a fit but would soon come back.

Every since Molly died Bertie has spent a lot his time either here with me, or asleep in Molly's bed, poor chap. It's bad enough for us, but he has no idea. He's never really known life without her. I've tried to explain it all to him but frankly I don't think he understands.  We are doing our best to cheer him up, he's even sleeping on Alf's bed, but he's very sad.

Poor little chap....

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