Copenhagen Dreaming

By dennisjorgensen

To some people, this is just another ordinary road, with the ability to transport them to a random destination. To me, however, this road can only lead to magical places. I've known the existence of this road my entire life, or at least for as long as I can remember. We passed it every time we went to my parents summer residence, during my childhood. I've always wondered where it lead to. Today I passed it on my way to a job interview, and on my way back, I had no choice but to stop and photograph it. I had to climb a tree to get a satisfactory composition. Luckily I love to climb trees, so I doubled the joy!
Afterwards I had no choice but to follow the road, even though I was aware, that it could totally destroy my imagination of the place. However I was not disappointed. The road curved around a small lake with twisted trees surrounding it. There were little beehives, and a lot of beautiful houses with sea (lake) view. When I get filthily rich, this is where I'm gonna live!

Well, back to reality...
The job interview was at DR, which is the first and largest TV station in Denmark. It's founded in 1925, and is obligated to follow the rules of public service, which in essence means, that they have to be politically neutral and produce programs for the broad masses.
I'm applying for a job in the fiction department, which is responsible for internationally acclaimed series' like The Killing and Borgen. A very interesting position..
My fingers are crossed..

Weel, a good day to everyone out there in Blip land..

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