
If I knew how I would change my blip tag line from "choose joy" to "my garden is so f-ing beautiful"

The grandifloris is on the deck where I have more sunshine. In the garden, despite it being 20 feet by 20 feet and half-covered by deck, I have four beds. I have one deep shade bed right against the wall. I don't know why but I was compelled to put a bed there. Only the toughest survive. 

The next bed is the middle bed, halfway underneath the deck and half out, with hostas and the bleeding hearts and Solomon Seals. 

The third one is against the right barrier and has the hydrangea and Godzilla fern and the brunnera. 

And then the pièce de résistance is Kate's bed, against the new retaining wall. This bed is sacrosanct. I don't plant anything in here not called for in the design - except for the lettuce for the rabbit, which I thought would be eaten by now. Anything else in that bed that wasn't in the design is a volunteer, specifically Japanese-painted ferns or wild violets, and I am thankful for both of them. Based on eating patterns the slugs seem to love the wild violets and will climb over the hostas to get to them. (???!!!)

I love the rain now because it looks so gorgeous in the rain and this year the rain doesn't cause a river in the backyard. The mulch and improved soil lets it all soak into the ground. 

Germany (a German company) signed its first binding deal with a US company for LNG, beginning in 2026. 

Major oil companies are starting to invest serious money into green hydrogen. 

Germany's first shipment of heavy weapons to Ukraine has arrived. The Panzer blah blah blah can fire blah blah blah.

The Russian journalist who won the Nobel Peace Prize? And decided to sell it? It raised $103.5 MILLION to support Ukrainian children. 

Telecom workers at one of Ukraine's leading internet and phone operators damaged their own equipment rather than give it to the Russians. The Russians tried to seize parts of the network through hacking and physical intimidation. Some of the employees had been imprisoned in occupied parts of  Ukraine. So rather than hand over control in occupied territories, they deleted crucial files from computers. They completely destroyed the software and so the Russians could not reconfigure it. 

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