Windmill 'de Nijs', Stramproy

'de Nijs' sounds like 'the NICE'.  It is the surname of the most famous of its millers, Jacque de Nijs.

Shot at close quarters due to lack of maneouvering space, and I preferred not to have a house or a fence.  I am thankful, anyway, when I have options, and 'the Nice' had one of its cheeks to the sun, so that was good.

Completely cloudless today!

While it was relatively easy driving south, a huge cattle farmers' strike was happening in the north.  Hundreds of tractors filled the northbound motorways on their way to Stroe ('StrOO') to protest the 'nitrogen' policy the government wants to follow to reduce the amount of nitrogen in the soil.  Simply put, we have too many cows.  Poor farmers, though, if this pushes through.  I wish we could take care of the environment and of their livelihood at the same time.

Before I left, though, a batch of mails from the Viking again, the kind of mails where you need at least half an hour to reply.  Really time-consuming, but I know what the Viking wants for the cross-examination in July.  Also, WhatsApp phone calls with both the Viking and Mimi -- the Viking in the morning, Mimi much later in the afternoon.

I also keep forgetting to write here that I am now the proud user of GPS on my phone.  I resisted it for so long because of privacy reasons, but I guess when I'm tracking windmills I shouldn't really care if 'they' know where I'm headed.  The phone is home the rest of the time anyway.

In the evening, the weekly ZOOM gathering with the writers' group.  I am certainly not the only one straggling in the jungle of empty ideas.  Not that I've run out of them, but the difficulty is in putting them down into words.  But that is what the group is for -- pushing each other forward in the bad times and cheering each other on when chapters are going well.

Not so sure what kind of weather will be with us tomorrow.  If it is good, I'll be hunting again.  But it will be a full day with other things as well.
Thank you for visiting yesterday!

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