Street life

A nice day teaching my Greek student online then I went to meet my young student at the Best Time cafe. Dad insisted we sit inside, despite there only being coffee tables which aren’t easy to write on. We talked about pirates today, complete with pirate voice and actions. It’s interesting how well he can say the words but the meaning isn’t clear and comprehension activities are challenging. Someone exchanged strong words with his father outside. We were in a multicultural area, very different from where I’m staying. We got souvlaki after - J did the ordering because he can speak Greek - that confused the waiters seeing me rely on a kid to order!
He’s very protective of me when we cross the road, like an adult, then reverts to being a 10 year old watching cartoons - a curious juxtaposition but not surprising given his life experiences so far. I walked him home then I headed home. A good day.

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