The Abbot's Fireside

The Abbot's Fireside is a fifteenth century coaching inn, on the main road through the village. It's now a restaurant and small hotel, and has (again) re-opened under new management and been refurbished. The photo was prompted by the Wide Wednesday theme of a gate or stile, and by the unusual absence of parked cars obstructing the view when I passed on the way to the post box. It's a very striking timbered building, and the interior is equally picturesque, with low beams, oak pillars, a huge fireplace and lots of little nooks and crannies. I thought the little gate in the picket fence, leading to the open door with the mirror on the wall inside, looked very welcoming and attractively shady on a hot afternoon.

I expect I'm posting too late for the challenge, again, but it was a nice one to think about: I planned a short walk round various of the village gates and stiles, though this one was not in my mind until I saw it. This is my fourth back blip this evening, a record, and means I only have today to catch up tomorrow. 

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