A disappointment

I've been trying to find a new apartment for quite a long time now, but haven't had any luck finding anything that has what I require (walk-in shower, washer/dryer hookup), is affordable and doesn't face due East.  Today I thought I had found that apartment.  It's in another Senior Housing Assistance Group building just about 12 blocks north of here.  It has 200 more square feet than my current one and was said to have a little terrace.  I was sure it was for me, until I actually got into the apartment courtesy of the current tenant.  I don't know where that extra 200 square feet went; the apartment felt really cramped and I knew as soon as I went in that it was not for me.  So a big disappointment after having gotten my hopes up.  I'm going to go on looking and have asked the manager in this building if there are apartments with my amenities that don't face east, and they do exist although none is available now.  I would be quite happy in this apartment if it just didn't face east, so I'll be checking monthly to see what might be available.

Thanks for your concern about my not feeling well.  A good night's sleep (finally) last night and some Tylenol have vanquished the headache and exhaustion, but the sore throat is still with me.

Tomorrow Lex and Doug will be coming by to bring a room air conditioner that was in his old apartment.  We're hoping it might cool my bedroom, the smallest room in the apartment, sufficiently for it to be comfortable for sleeping - forecast is for high 80's this weekend.

This is the new display outside apartment 201.  She had something similar last ear, but has added a few nice touches.

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