2735. View from the balcony
Not actually feeling that much better today but have managed to stay up for most of the day so far, although I didn’t actually get out of bed until 10am!
Not testing today but will do so tomorrow in the vain hope that we test negative at last…hubby is convinced that he’s had two viruses, one last week and now covid and I’m actually not sure but he could be right. Either way he seems to have had his symptoms for a fortnight now and he’s still coughing but only had a raised temperature two days ago…so who knows?
Both of us had raised temperatures this morning and I couldn’t manage any breakfast this morning but did manage a small lunch…it’s actually quite good for me that I don’t have much of an appetite as I could do with losing a bit of weight!
I brought my big camera through from the spare room to take a photo of the view of Craigie Hill from our balcony, it looks a little bit hazy but it’s showing 25 degrees on the balcony, so very pleasant.
Our spare room is a bit of a tip at the moment and our local council will be coming out to inspect it soon with a view to us taking in a Ukrainian refugee. We haven’t cleared it yet as it will require us to put some furniture and belongings into storage and I don’t want to do that until we know we are getting someone to stay. It will only take us a day to clear it and then hopefully only a few days to organise a new bed and some other basics which I’m sure she will need. It will mean removing my computer desk to the lounge and our printers to the kitchen but that’s no big deal. It will be a huge change for us but one we would happily make if it offers safety to just one person.
I messaged my friend today as she is off work with covid too and we were all feeling a bit sorry for ourselves….the situation in Ukraine does provide a different perspective though…we are at least safe in our own homes….
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