Boris now employed to clean up his own rubbish

Well what results from the two by-elections in the UK yesterday.I thought Boris was in Rwanda but no is this him in Stratford upon Avon this morning working on his next big plan?

He is now clearing the streets of rubbish.

Who is to blame for the results. See extra from yesterday’s visit to the sculpture park. Surely there must be someone who has to carry the can.

Was that bike in the image the one he was told to get on to find a new job?

Sadly the results say more about what people think about our Prime Minister rather than a resurgence of the other parties.

In true Shakespearean tradition ( well it could be him in Stratford ) will he survive the weekend or become another history play? The Three Witches from Macbeth could be very symbolic. “Double, Double toil and trouble”


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