Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Sights from my Bike Ride

I planned to leave on my ride at 8:30 this morning but I didn't get on the road until 10:00.  It was still in the mid 70s (20s) but shot up to 95 (35) by the time I got home at 1:00.  Next time I'll make sure I get an earlier start!  The good news is that it didn't start raining until 2:00 and has continued on and off all day/evening.  I am grateful that I didn't get soaked!

My FlowerFriday blip is the first extra, blossoms on a Chollo Tree.  Cactus seems to grow well here.  I'm surprised it can survive the freezing winters.  Thanks to BikerBear for hosting!  The second extra is the waterfall I often photograph, sometimes fully encased in ice, sometimes rushing all the way across and sometimes barely trickling.  It was a great birding day, as seen in my collage.

Top Row:         Beautiful male Osprey
                          Cliff Swallow poking its head out of the nest
                          Double-crested Cormorants looking like they're sharing a funny story.  You may have to zoom in to see what I mean.

Middle:             American White Pelican in the first and third.  They appear all white in the water.  Their black wing-tips only show in flight.
                          Gorgeous Yellow-headed Blackbird in the middle

Bottom:            Great Blue Heron
                          Cliff Swallow chicks peeking out of their nest.  I got another shot with their mouths open, but I liked their little faces better.
                           Red-tailed Hawk perched on the very top of the mast on a sailboat on its trailer in the parking area.  When the owners come back, they'll find the literal meaning of poop deck. ;-)

I am grateful that the rain brought the temperature down and we have a cool, wet weekend in store.  I'll sleep well tonight, especially after riding 25 miles in the heat!

Thank you for all your visits and stars and hearts.  I really appreciate all of them!

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