Guess Where We Had Lunch?

Without supplying any jokes, it was time for us to buy a new mattress. We borrowed my son's Ford truck, and off to the big city we went. 

Mattress bought, mattress loaded, mattress unloaded, and my son helped me get it up the stairs. 

We had lunch with Colonel Sanders (KFC), and I had an encounter with the young lady working the cash register. Lisa and I both ordered chicken breast meals, got back to our table, and my piece of chicken was dark meat. 

Back to the counter,
I went with a sigh.
"I ordered a breast,
and you gave me a thigh."

"I know you're a patron,
I know you're a guest. 
But you ordered white meat,
AND a breast!

I don't like it when somebody questions my chicken knowledge. Another young lady came out of the back, and set the record straight. 

"I know you're working the register, 
and I know you're trying your best,
But you have to learn the difference...

Most of the story is true. I ate the dark meat, and brought the white meat home. 

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