
By KathyH58

June 25

A cloudy start to the day, but it did clear off by mid-morning. The temperature was in the low 20's, but if felt like the high 20's with the humidity.
My first stop was at a farmers market where I stocked up on some fresh veggies and also bought a jar of pizza flavoured whipped butter. I picked up some garlic cheese foccacia at another stop, so will try the butter on it.
I almost filled the truck at the first garden center I stopped at. While I was there, I had another customer come over and ask me if we had any peach trees left. I guess he thought I looked like I worked there since I was filling a cart with plants. I had to tell him 'sorry I don't work here'. Then S was writing up the order and we were pulling the carts over to my truck, another customer offered to help us. Very nice of him, but I did tell him that I am used to packing the truck by myself.
I stopped at another market, picked up a few more things, including a box of fresh strawberries which made for a nice sweet snack while driving. I went to another nursery, picked up a few more things, then back to Bridgewater and a stop at Arby's to get some lunch. It is the only Arby's left in Nova Scotia.
After eating my lunch while sitting in the truck, I went for a walk along a woodland trail and found a few late lady slippers still blooming. I decided one would be my blip for today and that I need to explore more of this trail.
My last stop for the day was at another small garden center. I met the owner several years ago, she also has a landscaping business. I stop to have a chat with her at least once every summer. G & I had a walk around, she showed me some of her special projects. She knows that I am a plant person and can appreciate her successes. Then her daughter joined us and the 3 of us sat and chatted about our clients and the business in general. I think we came to the conclusion that some people have more money than brains, lol. A nice way to end the afternoon. After leaving there I looked at the time and decided to get on the highway to come home.
The truck has been unloaded for now. Some of the plants from today need to go back on the truck, as they will be planted on Monday.

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