
By stellarossa


Despite the rail disruption Tom and a friend descended on Oxford ready to set off for Glastonbury and to finally use those tickets they bought in 2019.

Four friends had departed the day before and taken all the tents for their little camp. Tom hastily pulled together emergency snacks and other useful bits and pieces and I donated one of my solar lamps. On Thursday morning two other friends will arrive from Liverpool before they all get on their bus to the festival.

We played backgammon in the garden and Tom asked me about my Glasto days - in the late1980s and early 1990s when things were a lot less commercial and quite anarchic at times with the Hells Angels doing security and multi-tasking with a fair bit of drug dealing and sexual harassment too. I showed him the old programmes and he asked ‘who’s Van Morrison / Elvis Costello / The Waterboys?’

I’m quite envious.

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