
By theBroon

Ciao for Now!

"S'cuse me, your Imperial Measurement!"

"Whit, pleb?"

"Jist wondered if your Imperial Leatherness has had a chance to look at our application for Anzio citizenship yet?"

"Aye, ah huv actually!"

"And, your Imperial Falconness?"

"Well as ah've said previously, Mrs B is welcome to bide oanytime as she'd be assett to oany community, ken, but you ............ sling yer hook!"

"But, but ........... your Imperial Mintiness????"

"Ciao, ye've been telt .......... dinnae let the door hit yer erse oan the way oot!"

Thanks to all of you who joined Mrs B and I on our wee jaunt back to Anzio and for all the stars, hearts and comments, especially on the Solstice fotie.

The last of the holiday blips have been posted and can be seen at the following for those that might want to have a peek;

Grotte di Nerone
High Noon!

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