Dental trauma

Miss Bs mouth is currently a mish-mash of gaps, wobbly teeth at various angles and new, half emerged teeth coming up behind the whole lot.

Miss B awoke this morning announcing that she believed her most wobbly tooth would come out today.

It did! Only not in the graceful way her previous 3 had come out. Oh no. This was drama and trauma at the highest level.

I'd told the chidlers to "maybe calm it down a little" more than 5 times. They hadn't, they didn't. Mouth of Child A collided with the head of Child B.

There was pain for both parties.
There was lots of screaming and crying from both parties.
There was lots of blood.
And there, in Miss Bs hand, was the most wobbly tooth.

Master B sustained shock and horror and his head sustained bruising.
Miss B sustained shock and horror too but also a knocked out tooth, a swollen bottom lip and a cut top lip.

It took some time to regain sainity. All three of us could probably have done with a swift whisky in hind sight, but number 4 tooth is out and she's another step closer to regaining her beautiful smile.

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