Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I made it! Took my trip before lunch and came home some time after lunch. It was hot outside, but a breeze at the bus station so waiting for next bus wasn't bad at all. Then I walked for 10 minutes, bought my things and got help wrapping some packing tape around the parcels. It was heavier than I thought, and I've become weaker than I realised... so the way home, in heat, with heavy items wasn't optimal but I made it in the end. So happy I've done what I've set out to do, more than you know.
I didn't have time to look around, but I know this garden center has a lot to offer. I was happy to see that the greenhouse cover was at a lower prize than I saw online. I also bought a small gardening tool to help mix old and new soil. 
That was it, though. Been resting the rest of the day. Quick chat with mum and then just rest. I have things I need to do before bed, since I need to pack my breakfast to go tomorrow, and tea, because I'm going to the health clinic for some blood tests, and I can't eat anything before. Just drink water.

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