Les boulodromiers
Finally the day dawned cool enough and weekend enough for work to continue on the community boulodrome. Weedstop fabric, then 10cm of hardcore, more weedstop and the special gravel/sand mix that boulodromes are surfaced with.
My gravel shovelling was very limited - ie I stopped when it hurt. After that I was glass collector and straightness consultant. The guy who used to own the whole estate dumped a load of windows where we're building. When they, unsurprisingly, broke, his solution was to burn them. So now the area is covered in a delightful blend of shards of glass and lumps of melted glass.
With the whole area rolled, watered, and rerolled, we packed up and moved to the terrace for a bbq lunch.
Later, a lot of trying to stay awake (early start), à bbq dinner, and a lazy TV evening.
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