Capital adventures

By marchmont

View from a bridge

A quick shot over North Bridge as I was about to board the#7, homeward bound. I love this view east to East Lothian across that scoop of the valley.

The wind has continued. I woke at 3 with it howling round the roof. Wind, the levelling of air pressure. I wish it would hurry up and level. And it is still chilly.

I've discovered the #62. A much quicker journey down the hill. It's a First service so few picking up stops. I got from front door to office in less than 35 minutes and that included the walk down the Royal Mile. and the 62 is SO much quieter and less busy than the the Lothian buses.

Today is St George's Day and I spent the whole day re-writing our draft safeguarding policy from English legislation to Scottish legislation. My head was dirling. When is a child not a child? When they're a 17 year old Scot, because they can be child and adult at the same time.

Home for another quiet evening in. Looking out from the #7 on Nicolson Street there was evidence of some excitement elsewhere. 4 police cars, a police van, numerous police and a man face down on the pavement, handcuffed. I wonder what that was about. My excitement has been a visit from Mr Tesco and a call from Y.

So back to safeguarding.

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