Double Buds?

It looks like this Double Delight rose has double center swirls, making it a Double-Double Delight!!  I think it is beautiful and wonderfully fragrant too. But my bush as a whole is looking pretty sad this year; most of the flowers are small and a bit deformed.  The heat wave we are experiencing is causing my Rhodendrens stress and some burnt leaves again; I didn't think a high temperature of 100F would cause them harm. Ugh!!!

Little miss came back over tonight; we had great fun playing school and wandering the garden with our cameras. We walked to the pond on the golf course (after the golfers were done) to see what we could find, but it was not very exciting tonight. She starts a week of vacation bible school tomorrow; so I need to get to bed so I can get enough sleep before we have to get up and get ready to go at 8:45AM. I will let you know how she liked it.

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