One of 20 best bookshops in Scotland

Sometimes it takes visitors to tell us about interesting places just on our doorstep. This happened in Callander. Our friends said we must visit this unusual second-hand bookshop.
Well, I did. Still amazed that I had never discovered it for myself, maybe because it was at the far end of the town.
Anyway, I came away with a big bundle of books  from the Kings bookshop– and a photo of Trixie with her owner, Ian King.
Lorne Jackson writing in The Herald listed the Kings Bookshop among his 20 best second-hand bookshops in Scotland.
He said:” IT’S not often that you find a second-hand bookstore owned by a published poet and novelist, though that’s exactly what Dr Sally Evans happens to be. The talented author runs King’s Bookshop along with business partner and husband, Ian King.
While browsing, you may even get a chance to chat to Sally about her PhD in Creative Writing, which she completed recently, a few months shy of her 80th birthday. She has a new novel out, too, titled Wildgoose, A Tale of Two Poets.”
And I have my visitors from “ down south” to thank for the discovery of this little gem.

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