Ha’ Well, Irthington

St.Cuthbert’s, How, Hall, or, Helly Well ... or St.Kentigern’s, as that is the church dedication.
This Well is down there somewhere...on the right it flows freely in a private garden. On the left is an impenetrable boggy area in the corner of St.Kentigern’s churchyard.


I boldly headed back up to Carlisle to sort out my shopping debacle yesterday and then, whilst in this neck of the woods, I went to check out this well which I knew wasn’t going to be a showstopper but I’ve been reading a bit about St.Kentigern and was curious. Just across the river was Brampton and I remembered that Paula had been to the Old Church and remains of the Roman fort there so thought it would be a shame not to have a look whilst being so close especially as St.Ninian is supposed to have established the first church here with a holy well too (no trace of that at all, sadly). An amazingly atmospheric place (extra).

Finally, when I got back, I went over to the old place to dig up a bit more cephalaria and scavenged bits of wood to cover the gaps in the new fence and joined my friend and her husband down at the lake for a while.

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