Home is where your heart is

Look at my lovely succulents.

I have had these succulents since I started my flower arranging classes during lockdown in 2020…

I kept them in water for 9 months and they grew roots and then I potted them in pots with some rough cast.

I find them a bit tedious apart from the finger prints which you can leave on the leaves :). But then I spoke to That Withers’ Woman and she was highly excited about all things succulents and encouraged me to be more caring and creative.

I had to get Si to drill a hole in the bottom of this vessel… this is the original vessel I did the flowers arrangement in so they will feel at home.

They moved in quite nicely and I think is has a Viking feel about it…. Withers not so much.

I used my driftwood to create a beautiful landscape

I am an artiste

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