
By FreePetHair


Spent the day with my daughter and Nugget. Is my daughter's bday tomorrow and wanted to take her a present since I have appointments tomorrow. Spent all day yesterday cutting mine and the elderly lady neighbor's lawns. Working on an awesome farmer's tan LOL All the dogs were very happy to see me. This was the first time I've left them in over a week (but for quick runs to the store) and I must say they were so much less frantic about my arrival and quite sweet and welcoming since now with the fence nobody has to wait their turn to get to go pee. The car is doing something funny. Again. And my garden is looking not too bad though pretty sure it was too early for okra and I may have to seed it again. All in all good day even though I am very stiff and back spasmy from the marathon grass cutting. I am sure it will be fine by the time I have to do it again in a week. :|

ETA: I'm such a big dummy. Mouse turned 10 today and I am JUST now remembering. SOOO sorry, Mousey Lousey! I got you a new laser pointer. Um... it's somewhere. :|

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