Home play

I didn’t really know what to do today - I couldn’t go to our Partnership Churches Festival Day with the 320 odd booked in. I so wanted to go, felt really well, but couldn’t officially leave Covid-wise until tomorrow.

The TV wasn’t working and didn’t want to get stuck doing housework all day so I went for an early dog walk so no one was around and later went for a long run, avoiding people obviously. I think the run proved to myself that I was well! And intending to escape confines and go to church tomorrow.

So it was an ok day. I’d just rather have been with everyone else. Ah well. Can’t be helped.

We also all found out this morning that Dot.T got a First. We’re all a bit stunned. She’s been so busy at university, and often run out of time for everything, squeezing work in sporadically, but we are relieved for her, and very very grateful to God for sustaining her.

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