Camp Barentz

Svalbard Day 4 (back blip)
Viper, one of the husky dogs we met at Camp Barentz today.

After lunch today we joined our group for the cruise and spent the afternoon on a tour with them. First stop was Camp Barentz where around 30 husky dogs live with their owner. We spent some time stroking them and were amazed how friendly and cuddly they were. The dogs live outside all the time, even during the cold Arctic winters. They all had names outside their huts (see extra). Next we had a talk on Polar Bears followed by a visit to the Svalbard museum.

We joined our cruise ship, MS Nordsjernen, at the end if the afternoon, passed the quick COVID test and went onboard. Only 46 passengers: English speaking, German, French and Swedish. Our cabin is tiny (the cheapest) and is on the bottom deck. It is the length of the bunk beds and then the width of a wash basin. Luckily there is only one other person down here so we can extend into the corridor. Our English speaking group has a Russian, Australians, two Americans and a few people from the UK. The idea is that we stay with this group and have the same two guides with us for all trips off the boat.
Dinner was excellent and, as all the tables are next to the window, we were able to watch the scenery as we ate. We sailed out into the open sea and it became a bit choppy for awhile. Again the midnight sun feels strange and it’s hard to force yourself to go to bed!

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