Monaco Glacier

Svalbard Day 6 (back blip)

Another beautiful morning with breakfast in front of a glacier, then straight on to the tender boats and a trip to shore. We stopped by a trapper’s hut (see extra) that is still in use so it was interesting to pop our heads in and have a look. We then did a hike to a different beach where the tender boats picked us up two hours later. Yet again it was stunning scenery. Back on board we had lunch whilst sailing past another glacier then stopped at Bockfjord for an afternoon walk. First we had a walk up to a hot spring which turned out to be a puddle but with great views of our boat and surrounding scenery. This one was quite scrambly at times as we had to walk/clamber over boulders to avoid walking on the tundra. There were many flowers (see extras for a few of them) and some unusual algae and red rocks as well as some reindeer. The tender boat picked us up at the end of the walk so that we could walk further.

Back on board we had dinner whilst sailing then we celebrated passing over the 80 degree north line with the crew, guides and a glass of champagne. This is as far north as we will sail. We stopped for half an hour watching the walruses on Moffen Island then turned around and started to head south again. We are finding it very hard to go to bed when it is so light and there is so much to see as we sail.

Earlier in the day we came back to find our corridor flooded and the empty cabins around us also sloshing in water but our cabin was dry. Apparently, a sprinkler had malfunctioned. I’m just glad it didn’t happen during the night! We were quickly given another cabin, this time an ensuite with a porthole……what luxury!

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