
By Susanna

Sofas go to... Camerun!!!

As we bought a week ago a couple of sofas to our livingroom, I sold these pieces of furniture to some young man for 40euros. He was black guy having unbelieveable hard name to pronounce or read even. Nice chap. He came with his brother to pick these away.

The new sofas delivery men came already in the afternoon. They carried our old ones to the front yard and the new ones in. The delivery men were so happy, that the old furniture left here (and that they hadn't have to take them into their relatively small van), that they asked if they could arrange all few things with the new sofas - so that I do not have to make anything than adapt to the new living room. 

A good deal. Fine by me.

The brothers did take the sofa and armchairs into Camerun. Really!!! They'll rent a container and pack it full of everything needed there. Somekind of charity done too, one of them told.  It will take some three months for the container to get there. So, in the end our old white sofa and chairs will end up into their mother's home. I hope that she likes them!

+32c, partly cloudy. Sweaty job to clean up after changing the furniture :)


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