The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Very Testing

Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

Last year, when The Eldest Mini Princess was learning to drive, her instructor had an ADI (Approved Driving Instructor) assessment*. He asked EMP to be his pupil for the assessment as she was “always reliable and steady”.

Coincidentally, The Youngest Mini Princess’s instructor, Gill, had her assessment today and had asked YMP to be her pupil…as she is “a little bit unpredictable and there are always a couple of surprises”. Basically YMP is a stretch goal!

We asked YMP how it went. She said that there had been a couple of driving mistakes but that Gill had passed.

YMP: “There were a couple of things in the feedback. The assessor thought that Gill should have talked through a gear change mistake with me… oh and that she should have grabbed the wheel when I went into the wrong lane on a roundabout.”

I actually lost it with the giggles. I swear, there is no amount of money in the world that you could pay me to be a driving instructor.


*The assessment is only to test the competence of the instructor.

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