Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor


Orla's first official basketball match was a total disaster. The Ladyrocks lost 107-5. It seems it was too early to enter the National League after all. Nobody can enjoy a game like this. 

(Ultimately put Orla off basketball altogether)

(Results for this season)

Reflection on this on 25/10/23:
At the time we were all trying to be positive but this result was an outrage. The girls and parents had put in so many hours of training over the last two years. The fact that they were playing against girls that were 2-3 years older than them and some clearly too old to be U14 destroyed any semblance of fairness. The fact that their coach kept going at it, aiming to score 100 points is a travesty. Conor was there and he was clearly upset seeing this debacle. The consequences of the decision to enter this competition before the girls were ready were never properly considered. Such a shame.

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