
Took our friend, Fiona, to Falmouth this afternoon for a mooch about. The weather wasn’t great but at least it was warm and it wasn’t raining.

We mooched about for a couple of hours and I had to stay on my lead the whole time. Boohoo. But at least I’d had a play down on the beach this morning.

Home now and my dinner’s been out for half an hour but I’m pretty sleepy so I’m having a little snooze first.

The humans are going out for dinner soon so I’m looking forward to some ‘home alone’ time. Not sure what it’s like in other tourist destinations but a lot of the restaurants in town aren’t taking reservations anymore. Lack of staff and people not turning up. Legacy of lockdown I guess, but pretty annoying when one wants to plan things in advance. Oh well, ho hum, I’m pretty sure they’ll find something to eat?!! If not, they might have to come home and gobble up my dinner!!!

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