Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley


It's the end of June and the rain keeps on falling.... I'm missing those glorious days of warm sunshine and days spent on the beach but hopefully there still will be time to enjoy those.

However when the rain stopped this morning I was aware of the way the flowers were "brought to life" as they were "bejeweled" by the rain drops. Not only did the rain refresh but left a lasting impression of enhancing the already beauty that was there in the first place.

A picture came to me of the way that sometimes after the "rains" in life they too can leave a lasting legacy... Sometimes the water will overwhelm what's in its path... Sometimes it will refresh and it's legacy, can often be to enhance the beauty that it falls on.

May today if you find yourself in the middle of a "rainfall", may it not be overwhelming but may its legacy be that of refreshment and whilst you may not see it, may others notice the beauty that it has left upon you and take the time to gently remind you of what they see.

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