North Ayre

Rain first thing, and more this evening. The rest of the day was windy, mostly cloudy with the odd sunny spell. 

Another day off, and up fairly early.  A quiet morning of chores, and then sister Laura popped by.  We headed north for a run to Dales Lees for some trees, a walk around cousin Beth's woodland, and then on to Swinister for a walk.  I put Laura back home to Cunningsburgh, and a cuppa there.  I had planned to go to the peat hill this evening, but I was rained off.  A quiet evening on the sofa instead. 

A fine walk this afternoon, down to this old fishing station.  Not much left here now, apart from a few ruins, a shed and a lot of discarded salmon farm cages.  The settlement was abandoned sometime in the middle of last century, so a very lonely place today.  The Newhall on the left, looking down North Ayre, Swinister Voe. 

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