
I decided to put my watercolour practice to practical use and cut up the heavy-duty paper to create a few bookmarks for my pals from BookBuds.

We’re meeting today on an impressive Grand Banks boat. Our erstwhile sailing chums have jumped ship and made the move from sails to engine. A tad unfortunate timing, what with the price of fuel and all!

Our book this month is Fintan O’Toole’s We Don’t Know Ourselves, which I have loved. His writing is really excellent. Being from the unionist north of Ireland and having been educated in Protestant schools, I didn’t actually learn any Irish history at all, it was all British history. Saying that, I didn’t even take the subject to O (ordinary) level, as I chose German instead. The AM was very good at History in school, as were our two girls, who both studied it to A (advanced) level.

So I’ve enjoyed the dip into Irish history from 1958 to the millennium and plan to read more about the partition and civil war. I’ve a lot of reading to do!

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