Back Porch Cafe Update

I had just put out two bowls of seeds when the heavy downpour came the other day.  My chippies and squirrels will not eat soggy seeds, spoiled as they are.  So, I've installed a dining tent with the help of John who cut off the handle of an old umbrella so I could stick it in the ground.  Now, no more soggy seeds if rain comes!  Happy customers!

I, on the other hand, was not happy last night when I was awoken at 1:30am by a call informing me I was paying too much for my utilities!  WTH?  That has never happened before.  The scammers are getting desperate, I guess.  I was VERY happy when I got the mail yesterday and found a check for $850 from the state of Maine to help with increased oil and gas prices because of the inflation.  I love my state.

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