Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Cloud reflections

Last night was an enjoyable evening at the charity gala dinner at the school following the golf day. It was lovely to see so may of the boys friends who participated in the golf day and then came to the dinner. Colin Cowdrey did an auction to raise funds, there were some amazing prizes donated (like a 14 day holiday in Fiji) - he had to step in at the last minute as the auctioneer from Christies had to cancel. The highlight for me was to hear Freddie de Tomasso sing, I was sitting quite close to him and it was quite something to hear that powerful voice from so close by. The evening ended badly as the M25 was closed due to roadworks and so I had a massive route detour, then got lost and finally got home after midnight so I was very tired this morning.

This morning I decided to take Xena to the vet as I had noticed some blood in her stools. I noticed a bit yesterday but today it seemed worse. The vet did a thorough check and reassured me that it probably was nothing serious other than a bit of colitis, she has been given a mild antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, but I must keep an eye on it.

Xena had two walks today and this pond scene was taken on one of them. I seldom convert my images to black and white these days, lately I seem to prefer colour images, so today I thought I would break that trend.

My niece in South Africa gave birth to a healthy baby girl today! I will meet both her 2 year old son and the new baby when we visit in October. 

I am about to go to London to join Gavin for his annual work summer party - well it's really just drinks and substantial canapes at a nice restaurant. It has been a whirlwind of a week with all these functions every night, it is unusual to have so many in one week. I am beginning to flag....

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