Mountains and Rockpools

A great day out with year 7 students from Staffordshire. After piling into a very dodgy welsh coach, where the doors to the hold/boot had to be held open while you put your equipment in so they didn't fall on your head, and seatbelts that hardly worked, we crawled up the mountain roads to Cwm Idwal, where we went on a walk to talk about glaciation.

The students were nice, and after showing my face yesterday at the stream they were more willing to talk, and soon they were asking lots of questions about the mountains, and the peoples that would have lived here after the last ice age.

After lunch, and a funny episode where a student managed to fall in the lake but had a full change of clothes because his mum knew "if anyone was going to fall in it would be him", we got back in the coach and would our way to Penmon Point to rockpool on the rocky shore. This is my favourite place, as I can just pootle about in rockpools finding starfish and blennys and crabs and showing them to students. On top of this, it was delightfully sunny!

Back home, and persuaded my flatmate Josie to come on a jaunt up the mountian behind our house. Amazing views of cloud-shrouded Moel Siabod from the top, and just about managed to get home before it was pitch black.

Day off tomorrow.

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