Bee Orchid
I am indebted to my friend Nimue, who tweeted that the orchids including the bee orchid were making a good showing up on one of the commons. It was a sunny afternoon following a morning of rain, and we headed out.
I'm always delighted to find these strange twists of evolutionary cunning, which mimic the female bee. Alas the appropriate male bee is foreign to these shores and the flower generally self pollinates. The flower is therefore scarce, at least in the southwest, and always a pleasure to discover.
Sexual antics are very much not being talked about in the mainstream media, but are all over the social one. Now perhaps we know Johnson's nickname of BJ is well earned, and why some MPs were elevated to the peers or knighted for services rendered. And why it's called the chief whip.
Honestly, at least the cunning flowers have prettiness on their side.
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